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Let's Talk

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Let's Talk program: showing a person working on Level Two Core Words

This program starts at the most basic level and progresses into easy sentence practice. Using the most frequently spoken works and easiest to say words and the Sensory Trigger Method, it is the best program for those with severe speech problems. Those who have progressed beyond the level shown, but who still have severe speech problems, can still use the program to "fill in the gaps" and work at more advanced levels. Quick Time Media player is required to hear the human recorded voice in the "anchor words" --the key words that new words will be added to expand to phrases and then sentences. Something to notice: The Sensory Trigger Method uses the touch signal first to activate the undamaged speech center, before hearing the word spoken. This differs from other programs or apps that simply say the word with the picture without first "triggering" the touch signal. The person will be learning basic "Core Words" (Over 1000 words) and over 400 sentences to use in daily life. These core words are used to make new phrases and then sentences. A natural-sounding text-to-voice reader supplies the voice feature for the Core Words and sentences as well as any words (Family names, addresses, etc.) that you add to the program.

Speech Bridge

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Speech Bridge: Level Two - A person tracing or writing on a worksheet

Speech Bridge combines onscreen speech practice using a natural sounding text-to-voice reader. Matching paper materials and activities are included. The program can be done with or without a computer. This is helpful in situations like rehab hospitals where there isn't any computer access. Like Let's Talk, starts at the very basic level and progesses. The key word vocabulary is different than Let's Talk, but just as essential. Like Let's Talk you can add new words to the program as needed and make your own worksheets. Instead of simply clicking on a picture to make the Sensory Trigger connection, this program has you trace the key word and picture that goes with it. This is a strong Sensory Trigger technique that make even more pathways in the brain. After mastering Level One, the person will go on to holding a pen or pencil and writing the word, then hearing these words and saying them. Again the Sensory Trigger signal is made before the spoken word is heard--making sure that the signal goes to the undamaged speech center on the other side of the brain. As one progresses the core words are used in phrases and then in sentences. Natural text-to-voice readers supply the voice feature for functional vocabulary covering verbs, feelings and other themes not found in the Let's Talk program.

Speech Tree

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Speech Tree-sentence making program - Level One

Speech Tree sentence making program, starts at an easy level and progresses to saying and then constructing easy sentences from the Core Word vocabulary. After progress with the previous programs, Speech Tree can break through the blocks to expression of complete sentences. New Sensory Trigger techniques are added, but the program uses the Sensory Trigger Method--this time working with the mental processing required for expanding one-word speech and "repeating speech" to putting together sentences in all the sentence basic forms--statements, commands, questions, and exclamations. Like the other programs, you can create your own "Speech Trees" using the words most important to you. One may start with single words that are on the tree and then connect them to make phrases and then different kinds of sentences--commands, questions, statements, and even exclamations. Natural text-to-voice readers supply the voice feature for functional vocabulary that is different from the other two programs.

We recommend working a minimum of 30 minutes a day. As one progresses, increase to two sessions a day--one in the morning and another in the evening. The more one can work on it, the faster the recovery, however. Use the words in different ways and apply them to situations and activities during the day. This speech practice in the context of daily life is known to be a most effective method of speech recovery.

Computer programs can make all the difference in speech recovery, but we don't stop there. We train everyone in the family how to communicate with the person at their level. It is now recognized that social interaction is crucial to successful speech recovery and we tell you how to do it! The person does not become dependent on the computer program, but is constantly motivated to apply the method in daily activities. We teach everyone--family and friends to be "expert speech helpers". See: Sessions

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